Thursday, September 17, 2009

J-Delice & Jey-C Promo shots (sneak-Peak)

Here's a preview of the New promo shots I did for Jey-C & J-Delice, two really talented rising R&B artists!.....Im sure you will see these new photos up on there myspace and albums but I wanted to give you guys a sneek peek!

All the rest of the photos will also be up on my site soon.....along with a bunch of new work me and my team have been creating this summer!

I also added this random video I quickly made from the shoot......still haven't mastered how to upload HD videos yet...But I will learn (this video is suppose to be in HD lol sorry if the photos seem a bit blurry)

Hugo Castillo Photography

2009 Promo Photoshoot

Jey-C & J-Delice

Monday, September 7, 2009

Im going!

Im going to go the the ARTPHOTOEXPO in NYC this Monday!
A bunch of my FAVORITE photograhers work will be there!
And any one who is interested in Photography or the different aspects of it should also try and go! (im sure it will be a great for networking as well?)

Cant wait!


Rain 2009/10 Album SNEAK PEAK!

Ok I couldn't resist.....I had to give you guys a SMALL (cropped) sneak peak of my NEW work with Rain (CT's best female R&B artist) This is a "teaser" for her new album, coming out sometime later 2009 or early 2010! Its going to be her best work yet...I shot a bunch of photos (that will appear on her magazine, album, posters, myspace and official website....and who know where else! .....Oh yea my website too! lol..... later on this year) (below is just one of the many GREAT looks we did) We did a couple different looks and struck gold!
Its the New Rain!
....And Hugo Castillo Photography!
Ill keep you updated on the release of the photos and her album!

(2009/10 Photoshoot SNEAK PEAK)
Photo By: Hugo Castillo
Makeup: Diana Nogales
Rains Official Site:
Coming Soon