Sunday, December 5, 2010


Make-up artist Marvin Speight came to me with a vision, a vision for his new port.
This is his one of his visions realized, hope you like....
More photos to come

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Its Here

Ok so Im walking through target at like 10pm and im looking for a few things when I stop and run over to the magazine rack because lo and behold the New issue of Jones Magazine is out!
I quickly skim through and see my spread, its BIG and Beautiful!

The Shoot with Beverly Bond went great, thanks to everyone who helped out that day!! (We had a Great Team!)
And thanks to Jones Magazine for creating such a great spread!
So every one go out and BUY a copy of Jones Magazine ..... and flip to page 70! lol
Hope you all like it!
Il be sure to post up the Tear sheets later on, once people get a chance to take a look for themselves.
You can pick up a copy at any Barnes & Noble, Target, stop&shop etc...

Thanks Again! :-D