Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vanity Studio

Heres a quick look at one of the photos I shot recently for Vanity Studios, a new high-end salon here in Stamford. Thanks to the whole team and all the models who came out to create these images. Model - Teyonce V. Makeup - Marvin Speight. Wardrobe - KayBrickhouse. Hair - Shaqueen Valentine.
The day was hectic and models where every where but we pulled it off and got some amazing photos.
More photos from this shoot up on my website soon. (A NEW site up soon)

Friday, August 5, 2011


Heres a shot from a beauty shoot with Geneva with makeup done by Marvin Speight. We wanted to do something natural and beautiful. I think we got it. Great job everyone.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Heres a shot from a great laid-back shoot I did with Eric. Hes not a professional model and this was pretty much his 1st photo shoot, but he managed to give some great images. More Up soon. Great Job Eric and a special thanks to Fermin & Wilson for helping out.


Here are 2 photos from my shoot with Holly, she was a great model and she did a great job. We gasped and cheered the whole shoot, she was amazing. Shaqueen Valentine did her amazing hair, Marvin Speight on makeup and Kay created her look with wardrobe. I had a great team that day, and we turned out some truly beautiful shots. More up on my site, Soon.
Thanks everyone and Hope every one enjoys the photos.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Enyce Ad. Source Magazine

Heres a scanned tear from the AD I did for Enyce (Diddys Clothing line) it ran in The Source Magazine.
It was great working with everyone, and it came out great!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kendras Return

I got the chance to shoot some really cool images for Kendras portfolio update, Shes a returning client who always proves shes got what it takes to model, from fashion to commercial work. We tried to shoot a couple different looks with different styles. She did great with each. Above are 3 examples from 3 different looks. There are more of each look up soon on my website.
She was amazing, she let me be creative with lighting and I think we got something very interesting out of the shoot.
Great Job Kendra! Lots of Luck with your modeling.


Heres a sneak peak of a photo from Genevas photo-shoot for a competition shes involved in.... She did a great Job, make-up by Marvin Speight. The full shoot is up on my website.

Enyce Ad

Below is a shot from the advertorial for P. diddys clothing line; Enyce.

Above is a quick black&white Behind the scenes photo taken with my iphone, while the models were getting into place.

Heres a shot from a premier party for the new issue of the source magazine and the two models (the Harris twins) that I shot for the Enyce ad that went into the magazine. The advertorial came out nice they did a great job! Pick up a copy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Miami Instax

Miami was amazing..... beautiful weather, beautiful locations, amazing people and full of life!
I got a chance to do a shoot while I was down there with a great model named Pedro, he came out to my hotel in miami beach at like 7am and we immediately went out to the beach and did a shoot with a different camera than my usual SLR; we used a Instax instant camera. And the results were great! Goes to show you that you dont need any equipment or anything just love for what you do and talented models.
I wanted to shoot something that didn't require any photoshop, or crazy lighting.... I wanted to shoot something natural and clean something that had to be perfect when shot. I think we got that.... the full resolution scanned images will be up on my site soon!
Thanks to Pedro for coming out and to my assistant Wilson!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Recently got the chance to shoot a fun hair shoot with a great mode named Anna, hair styled by Shaqueen Valentine makeup by Marvin Speight, and wardrobe styled by Kay B.
It was a quick but great shoot but I think we got it...
Check out the pic, more up soon.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Recently shot a few head shots for a great guy, Mr. Richi!
He was a natural in front of the camera, and his photos came out great!
More up on the site as soon as I can.

Monday, February 7, 2011

J-Delice (Sneak Peak)

Heres a sneak peak from J-delice's latest album...
I worked on a bunch of new promotional material for his new album recently and thought its time you guys get a taste of whats to come!

Check him out on facebook:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ikons Magazine - Behind the Scenes

A Behind the scenes look into the 2011 february issue of Ikons Magazine, with photographer Hugo Castillo.
Enjoy.....issue hits stands later this month at a barnes and noble near you!

Its here!

The new issue of the Source magazine with my ADvertorial for P. Diddys clothing line is finaly out on stands! :-)

-Posted on the go via iPhone

Monday, January 31, 2011

Jones Magazine

I had a great time shooting the multi-talented Dj and founder of the Black girl rock award show... Beverly Bond for Jones magazine a rather new national magazine.
She was a pleasure to work with, more from this shoot up on my website... Soon!

The Source Magazine

One of my shoots for the Source Magazine, the December 2010 issue.
Ill post the rest later on.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

@ The Source

Here at the Source Magazine's NYC office shooting an advertorial for a very famous artists clothing line!!
You'll get to see the images printed in the February issue of The Source Magazine!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New work Coming soon....2011

Heres a taste of some new work from my recent photoshoot...Short & sweet.
Photos from this shoot coming soon!

Thank you Team!