Monday, April 18, 2011

Kendras Return

I got the chance to shoot some really cool images for Kendras portfolio update, Shes a returning client who always proves shes got what it takes to model, from fashion to commercial work. We tried to shoot a couple different looks with different styles. She did great with each. Above are 3 examples from 3 different looks. There are more of each look up soon on my website.
She was amazing, she let me be creative with lighting and I think we got something very interesting out of the shoot.
Great Job Kendra! Lots of Luck with your modeling.


Heres a sneak peak of a photo from Genevas photo-shoot for a competition shes involved in.... She did a great Job, make-up by Marvin Speight. The full shoot is up on my website.

Enyce Ad

Below is a shot from the advertorial for P. diddys clothing line; Enyce.

Above is a quick black&white Behind the scenes photo taken with my iphone, while the models were getting into place.

Heres a shot from a premier party for the new issue of the source magazine and the two models (the Harris twins) that I shot for the Enyce ad that went into the magazine. The advertorial came out nice they did a great job! Pick up a copy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Miami Instax

Miami was amazing..... beautiful weather, beautiful locations, amazing people and full of life!
I got a chance to do a shoot while I was down there with a great model named Pedro, he came out to my hotel in miami beach at like 7am and we immediately went out to the beach and did a shoot with a different camera than my usual SLR; we used a Instax instant camera. And the results were great! Goes to show you that you dont need any equipment or anything just love for what you do and talented models.
I wanted to shoot something that didn't require any photoshop, or crazy lighting.... I wanted to shoot something natural and clean something that had to be perfect when shot. I think we got that.... the full resolution scanned images will be up on my site soon!
Thanks to Pedro for coming out and to my assistant Wilson!